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Depending on your specific circumstances, your doctor may want you to: stop taking one of the medications, change one of the medications to another, change how you are taking one or both of the medications, or leave everything as is. An interaction between two medications does not always mean that you must stop taking one of them.

Speak to your doctor about how any drug interactions are being managed or should be managed.

Medications other than those listed above may interact with this medication.

Tell your doctor or prescriber about all prescription, over-the-counter (non-prescription), and herbal medications that you are taking. Since caffeine, alcohol, nicotine from cigarettes, and street drugs can affect the action of many medications, you should let your prescriber know if you use them. Levitra Vs Viagra: Finding The Best ED Treatment For You. Andy is a co-founder, the superintendent pharmacist and director at The Independent Pharmacy.

Each medication helps treat erectile dysfunction (ED) issues by increasing the blood flow to the penis and are proven to help men achieve harder, longer-lasting erections for sexual activity.

The main difference between Levitra and Viagra is the active ingredient that the two medications contain.

Viagra’s active ingredient is Sildenafil, and Levitra’s is Vardenafil. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between Sildenafil and Vardenafil: Vardenafil (Levitra) helps men: Achieve an erection within 30 minutes Provides an erection for up to 5 hours.

Sildenafil (Viagra) helps men: Achieve an erection within 30-60 minutes Provides an erection for up to 4 hours.

As you can see, there is very little to choose between Levitra and Viagra in terms of effectiveness.

Levitra, on average, works a little quicker and provides an erection that lasts a little longer.

It’s also important to note that both only work when you are sexually aroused, meaning you need to engage in foreplay to experience the best results. To learn more about Vardenafil, read our dedicated guide for a comprehensive overview page: What is Levitra?.

One of the main differences between Levitra and Viagra is the effectiveness of the two medications when ingested with food. Food delays the absorption of all medication in the system. If you eat a large or fatty meal before taking Viagra, the effects are likely to be significantly reduced.

Levitra, on the other hand, is typically less affected by food.

The one main exception is grapefruit, which has been proven to significantly reduce the effect of the medication.

An alternative to both Levitra and Viagra is Cialis, which does not contain either Vardenafil or Sildenafil. Instead, it contains a different cost of sildenafil citrate 100mg active ingredient called Tadalafil.

By increasing blood flow to the penis, it works in a similar way to both Levitra and Viagra. However, Cialis helps men: Achieve an erection within 30 minutes Maintain an erection for up to 36 hours. The main difference is that Cialis stays in your system for much longer than both Levitra and Viagra, therefore helping men to achieve an erection for longer.

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As the name suggests, Cialis Daily is designed to be taken every day.

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Instead, you cvs sildenafil cost keep your body topped up with the medication on a permanent basis, meaning you should be able to achieve an erection whenever you want to engage in sexual activity and without the need to plan ahead. Compared to Levitra,


Daily is only available in smaller packets of 2.5mg and 5mg tablets. Below you will find a table comparing Levitra, Viagra, and Cialis by price, dosages, how long it takes to work, and more. Disfuncao eretil: tratamento com drogas inibidoras da fosfodiesterase tipo 5. Descricao do metodo de


de evidencia: Feita revisao bibliografica no Pubmed com o MESH: " impotence " [MeSH] and (" sildenafil " [substance name] or " vardenafil " [substance name] or " tadalafil " [substance name]) and " prognosis " [MeSH]. Foi tambem revisado o Journal of Sexual Medicine , publicacao nao indexada. Graus de recomendacao e forca de evidencia: A: Estudos experimentais ou observacionais de melhor consistencia.

B: Estudos experimentais ou observacionais de menor consistencia. D : Opiniao desprovida de avaliacao critica, baseada em consensos, estudos fisiologicos ou modelos animais.

Disfuncao eretil (DE) e a incapacidade recorrente e persistente em ter e/ou manter uma erecao peniana para uma relacao sexual satisfatoria 1 ( B ).

E uma entidade clinica de grande prevalencia e o tratamento oral e considerado o de primeira linha. Os inibidores da fosfodiesterase tipo 5 (iF5) constituem hoje a terapia oral mais utilizada 2 ( D ) e atuam promovendo o relaxamento da celula muscular do tecido cavernoso, condicao necessaria para obtencao da erecao.

Os iF5 devem ser utilizados sob demanda e na presenca de desejo e estimulo sexual.

No Brasil, a sildenafila existe nas dosagens de 25, 50 e 100 mg; a vardenafila nas dosagens de 5, 10 e 20 mg e a tadalafila na dose de 20 mg.

Os respectivos dados farmacocineticos encontram-se na Tabela 1* 3 ( A ) 4-6 ( B ) 7 ( D ). A sildenafila atinge concentracoes plasmaticas maximas (Tmax) em ate uma hora e tem uma meia-vida (T1/2) de tres a cinco horas 4 ( B ).

Clinicamente, isto se reflete em inicio de acao da atividade eretil a partir de 12 minutos, podendo ter efeito por ate 12 horas 5 ( B ). A vardenafila tem Tmax proxima de 40 minutos e meia-vida em torno de quatro horas 7 ( D ).

Clinicamente, isto tambem se reflete em inicio de acao da atividade eretil a partir de 15 minutos, podendo ter efeito por ate 12 horas 6 ( B ).

A tadalafila tem Tmax de duas horas (30 minutos a 4 horas) e uma meia-vida de, aproximadamente, 17,5 horas, podendo ter efeito por ate 24 a 36 horas apos a administracao do medicamento 3 ( A ).

*A Tabela 1 esta disponivel na diretriz, versao completa, acessivel em www.projetodiretrizes.org.br.

Estudos clinicos mostraram eficacia estatisticamente superior ao placebo, dose-dependente, em homens com DE em populacao nao selecionada e nas seguintes subpopulacoes: de causa psicologica 8 ( A ); com diabetes tipo I e II 8 ( A ); pos-lesao medular 8 ( A ); com doencas cardiovasculares 8 ( A ); apos prostatectomia radical 8 ( A ); com depressao leve nao tratada 8 ( A ); com mal de Parkinson 9 ( B ); pos-transplante renal 10 ( B ); pos-braquiterapia e radioterapia 11 ( B ); com insuficiencia renal em vigencia de dialise 12 ( A ).

Estudos clinicos mostraram eficacia estatisticamente superior ao placebo, dose-dependente, em homens com DE em populacao nao selecionada 13 ( B ) e nas seguintes subpopulacoes: de causa psicologica 14 ( A ); com dislipidemia 14 ( A ); em uso de anti-hipertensivos 14 ( A ); pos-prostatectomia radical 15 ( A ); com diabete mellitus tipo 1 e 2 16 ( A ). Estudos clinicos mostraram eficacia estatisticamente superior ao placebo, dose-dependente, em homens com DE em populacao nao selecionada 17 ( A ) e nas seguintes subpopulacoes: de causa psicologica; com diabetes mellitus 18 ( A ); pos-prostatectomia radical. Ate o presente momento, nao existem evidencias de maior eficacia de um desses medicamentos sobre outro. Os efeitos colaterais costumam ser transitorios e de leve intensidade.

Os mais frequentes sao: cefaleia, rubor facial, epigastralgia e congestao nasal 17,19,20 ( A ) 21 ( B ) 22 ( D ).

Dor lombar e mialgia sao mais frequentes com o uso da tadalafila 19 ( A ).

Todos os tres medicamentos sao seguros do ponto de vista cardiovascular, nao apresentando efeitos negativos sobre a funcao cardiaca, nem piorando o quadro clinico de pacientes com insuficiencia coronariana estavel 23 ( A ) 24-27 ( B ). Outrossim, as alteracoes no eletrocardiograma nao foram consideradas significantes 28 ( B ).

O uso de iF5 nao aumentou a incidencia de acidentes vasculares 29 ( D ). Tambem nao causam alteracao significativa da pressao arterial sistolica e diastolica, nem na frequencia cardiaca 30 ( D ). Na insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva, sildenafila, alem de bem tolerada, aumentou a capacidade destes pacientes aos exercicios 31,32 ( B ). A tadalafila apresenta alta seletividade para a fosfodiesterase tipo 11, existente nos testiculos e na hipofise 33 ( D sildenafil delivery ). No entanto, o uso diario da tadalafila nao mostrou alteracao significativa na concentracao, morfologia ou motilidade dos espermatozoides. Tambem nao houve alteracao dos niveis plasmaticos de testosterona, LH e FSH 34 ( A ).

Os iF5 sao metabolizados primariamente pela via do citocromo CYP3A4.

Desta maneira, outras drogas metabolizadas por esta via, como cetonoconazol, inibidores da protease (ritonavir, saquinavir), que sao inibidores deste citocromo, retardam a metabolizacao desses medicamentos, aumentando seus niveis plasmaticos. Ja a rifampicina, que e um indutor seletivo do CYP3A4, pode reduzir os niveis dos iF5 35 ( D ). O uso da iF5 concomitante com os alfabloqueadores pode produzir um efeito hipotensor sem, no entanto, contra-indicar sistematicamente a sua prescricao 36 ( B ). A administracao de iF5 em pacientes em uso de um ou mais anti-hipertensivos nao traz alteracoes significantes dos niveis pressoricos 37 ( B ).

As unicas contra-indicacoes absolutas do iF5 sao sensibilidade a eles e uso concomitante com nitratos 1 ( B ).

O texto completo da diretriz " Disfuncao eretil: tratamento com drogas inibidoras da fosfodiesterase tipo 5" esta disponivel em www.projetodiretrizes.org.br .

Goldstein I, Lue TF, Padma-Nathan H, Rosen RC, Steers WD, Wicker PA.

Oral sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Padma-Nathan H, Christ G, Adaikan G, Becher E, Brock G, Carson C, et al.

Sexual medicine: sexual dysfunctions in men and women In: Lue TF, Basson R, Rosen R, Giuliano F, Khoury S, Montorsi F, editors. Porst H, Padma-Nathan H, Giuliano F, Anglin G, Varanese L, Rosen R.

Efficay of tadalafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction at 24 and 36 hours after dosing: a randomized controlled trial.

Sildenafil, a novel effective oral therapy for male erectile


. Onset and duration of action of sildenafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Valiquette L,Montorsi F, Hellstrom WJ, Giuliano F, Homering M, Taylor T, et al.

Penetration and maintenance of erection with vardenafil: a time-from-dosing analysis.

Vardenafil preclinical trial data: potency, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and adverse events. Fink HA,Mac Donald R, Rutks IR, Nelson DB, Wilt TJ. Sildenafil for male erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Hussain IF, Brady CM, Swinn MJ, Mathias CJ, Fowler CJ. Treatment of erectile dysfunction with sildenafil (Viagra) in parkinsonism due to parkinson's disease or multiple system atrophy with observations on orthostatic hypotension.

Zhang Y, Guan DL, Ou TW, Wang Y, Chen X, Xing NZ, et al. Sildenafil citrate treatment for erectile dysfunction after kidney transplantation.

The efficacy of sildenafil citrate following radiation therapy for prostate cancer: temporal considerations. Seibel I, Poli de Figueiredo CE, Teloken C, Moraes JF. Efficacy of oral sildenafil in hemodialysis patients with erectile dysfunction. Giuliano F,Donatucci C, Montorsi F, Auerbach S, Karlin G, Norenberg C, et al. Vardenafil is effective and well tolerated for treating erectile dysfunction in a broad population of men, irrespective of age.

Efficacy and tolerability of vardenafil for treatment of erectile dysfunction in patient subgroups. Nehra A, Grantmyre J, Nadel A, Thibonnier M, Brock G.

Vardenafil improved patient satisfaction with erectile hardness, orgasmic function and sexual experience in men with erectile dysfunction following nerve sparing radical prostatectomy.

Goldstein I, Young JM, Fischer J, Bangerter K, Segerson T, Taylor T. Vardenafil, a new PDE5 inhibitor, in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes: a multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled fixed-dose study.

Eardley I, Gentile V, Austoni E, Hackett G, Lembo D, Wang C, et al. Efficacy and safety of tadalafil in Western European population of men with erectile dysfunction.

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